Are you having trouble financing your needs? Are unexpected bills creating unwanted problems? Do you think a small cash loan can save you from this situation? You are on the right path. Apply online for a small cash loan through our 100% online application process on the CashSmart website.
Are you currently looking for an urgent cash flow with minimal extra fees and charges to straighten up your financial situation? Apply for an urgent loan now on CashSmart.
Our application process for small cash loans is simple and completely online. You may apply for small cash loans from anywhere in Australia right now. Once your loan application passes our approval procedure, you’ll have cash in your bank account within a few hours.
If you’re unsure whether or not you need a cash loan right now, contact us for a free and unbiased financial consultation.
Where can you use our small cash loans?
Bills and debts
If you are experiencing financial difficulties for a short period of time, our payday loans can help you make your monthly obligations. A small loan might help you pay for dental costs, energy bills, water or gas bills, and other commitments. Payday loans with no interest assist our customers in paying off their bills and debts. To pay off your credit card bills, you might apply for cash loans. You may get the money in your account within hours with our fast cash loans.

Family expenses
Education, medical, and other one-time expenses are examples of expenses that just can’t wait. In these circumstances, you probably will not be eligible for a Centrelink advance. You’ll have to take out cash loans. Having some quick cash on hand that you can pay back later is a strategic approach to deal with your current financial position.
We don’t mind if you have a poor credit history as long as you have a regular income. For payday loans, the day of the deposit is crucial if you get government benefits. For other personal loans, your latest bank statements are all we need.
An extra cash flow
Apply for a personal loan through our online application process if you ever feel that a little fast cash may help you address a few difficulties. These requirements will not be met by government assistance like Centrelink. Your unexpected costs might be covered with a short-term loan with low fees and charges. Our personal loans serve the same purposes as our business loans, but with a bigger loan amount.

Maintenance works
Car repairs, housing repairs, ceiling repairs, paint jobs, and other issues are unavoidable. We’ve got you covered with our online responsible lending service. These small loans feature various repayment options and can assist our customers with unexpected maintenance costs.
Are you eligible for our small loans?
Our approval rates for small loans are better than the market standard. However, we will not lend you money if you do not have a regular income source. We at CashSmart like to give our customers the edge and consider Government benefits and Centrelink as sources of steady income.
- Only an Australian resident can apply for our small loans.
- Only adults (18 years or above) are eligible.
- One must have a valid phone number and an email id before applying for small loans.
- One must have an active bank account.
- A steady income source is needed while applying for a personal loan. You can apply for a small loan if you are on government benefits or Centrelink.
We will check your bank statements for the last 90 days if you fulfil our conditions. Pay attention to the comparison rate since, in the case of a small loan, a different cash loan amount might result in a different comparison rate.
Why are we best suited for you?
High chances of getting approved
We don’t turn you down for a loan because you have an adverse credit history. If you meet our requirements, we will not conduct credit checks, and your low credit score will not affect your ability to obtain online loans from us. Just fill out the application form and consider all your loan options. Read the loan contract carefully.
Completely legal process
CashSmart is an approved Australian credit licence holder. We can lawfully lend money to anyone in Australia. We have established our establishment fee and annual percentage rate for our loans in compliance with the Australian Credit Protection Act.

Transparent fees
According to government laws, we charge a 20% establishment fee and a 4% monthly fee. Our establishment fee is also charged on a monthly basis. Although the comparative rate varies depending on the loan amount borrowed, the monthly and establishment fees for all of our personal loans stay the same.
Flexible repayments
We are very flexible about the repayments; you can choose weekly, fortnightly, or monthly repayments according to your loan amount. Our hassle-free online application form clearly mentions the repayment schedule and the percentage rate.
Apply online through our online application and get a loan fast. The amount borrowed will reach your bank account once your lender is okay with your repayment schedule.
How much money can I borrow at once?
To ensure responsible lending, we have set a few limits for short-term loans. A minimum of $100 and a maximum of $2,000 is what you can borrow with one loan.
How will I get the amount borrowed?
Your lender can send you a cash advance of a small amount to your bank account if you live in Australia. Even if you have a terrible credit history, you may qualify for a small loan.
How much does a cash loan cost?
Any loan comes with startup fees of 20% and maintenance fees of 4% per month. All costs for our loans are included in this. The total amount to be paid off is the same for each cycle. Paying out early incurs no fee or penalty. If you pay off your loan sooner, you’ll avoid any monthly fees that haven’t been collected yet.
What will happen if I miss a repayment of my loan?
If you believe that you are going to miss repayments, please notify us as soon as possible. We can work on your repayments. We strongly advise you not to skip any of the repayments since it will cost you $30 if you do. It will cost you $20 to seek a reduction in the amount you owe, and our specialists will review your case. Please go through your loan term carefully before you borrow a loan from us.